Sunday, April 25, 2010

I haven't written because there isn't much to say

Ok, Honestly I have not written because my phone won't let me post on the website now, but mostly because there is nothing to report. I go to work, come home, rest for three hours, go to bed and start it all over again. I have become a sad, boring person. I do wanna just relax, I do feel like going to grad school is not in the cards for me yet. But i do miss the adventures. Going to Europe changed me, I mean I was always an adventurous person, Europe was the ultimate adventure. Now that it's over I see how I've grown an changed. Now I'm working everyday. My whole purpose in life is just work, and try to party on the weekends. I want another adventure. I'm looking for one, hopefully one will come.

Friday, April 9, 2010

and again

Again I expect something from someone and he doesn't come through with what he says he will. Its my own fault I just wish God I would actually live and and not expect much. Please. Now I'm praying for it.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

expect nothing that way you don't get disappointed

I wish I knew what it wasd like to stop hoping things could change. There are so many people in the world that are like that. My friend nicole is one. She never gets disappointed because she doesn't expect much. I wish I could be more and more like her. In fact I'm starting to envy that ability she has. I'm tired of being disappointed.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

the buried life

What do you want to do before you die? My entire life I would have said go to europe. It has always been to go to europe because that seriously was my dream. Well I can actually scratch that off thanks to the many blessings from God. Now I don't know what to say. Many times I've attempted a bucket list but I would always put stuff on it that I've already accomplished. Because to be honest I am the type of person if I really wanna do something I will do it like go to europe or get my belly button (and nipple) pierced or swim with dolphins. Those were incredible experiences that many people cannot say they did. I guess the reason why I was always to scared to actually make a list of things to do I was always afraid I would feel like I failed. I guess you can say my idea of failure is setting out to do something and not accomplish them. Well I adore the buried life because those four guys are inspirational to me at least. This list I will make it is not a list I will finish and I will not say I will scratch them all off. I will just say it will be a list of things that will be pretty damn cool to do. This list will probably also be added to in future entries because again it will never ever be finished. Here is the start of of this list of pretty damn cool things to do: 1. Go back to europe. 2. Be in a movie. 3. Skydive/bungee jump (like I would ever have the courage). 4. Publish a book. 5. Fall in deep and passionate love. 6. Get married. 7. Dance with ellen de generous. Now that would be freaking kool. 8. Volunteer for project hospitality, americorps, or some other pretty awesome charity. 9. Have a kid. 10. Live in gorgeous Manhattan loft. 11. Travel to Egypt. 12. Learn another language fluently. 13. Fool a pool shark and win $100 bucks. (Seriously that would be cool). 14. Learn to play an instrument. (This one may come true because it's not to far fetch.). 15. Dance the tango at a club in Buenos Aires. (Strange but just like al pacino). 16. Travel down under. (NZ or Aussie). 17. Buy a house. 18. Get a tattoo. 19. Start my own successful business. (Would be damn cool but most likely not my career path.). 20. Ride on the back of a motorcycle. (Seriously that would be so freaking cool.). For now my list of things that would be freaking cool has 20 items. I only want it to grow and honestly never be completed or scratched off.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

amazing dreams

Have you ever had such an awesome dream that seams so real or has your biggest wish come true. It's so bitter sweet. I woke up this morning smiling because of this amazing dream I had but I was and still am sad because it can't come true. I am happy I had the dream though because even if in real life it can't come true, at least we can be together in my dreams.